Responsibilities and Expectations
- Faculty mentors, DGS and DBL work in consultation to provide a working support system in order to guide students towards personal and academic success throughout and even after the completion of the Master's in French at the University of Arizona.
- Mentors are available for general consultation and mentorship in addition to the administrative/academic advising that is done by the DGS.
- The DGS remains responsible for the administration, which includes relevant advising, of the graduate program in the department. The DGS meets at least once a semester with each student (at least twice in their first semester).
- Mentors are selected by the students themselves in consultation with the DGS (based on the students’ preferences, interests, and faculty availability).
- During the first two weeks of the Fall semester, the DGS circulates a list of mentors/mentees/buddies to students and faculty for their approval.
- Mentors / continuing students should make the initial contact with their mentees / buddies for the first meeting.
Mentor's Responsibilities:
- Mentors should initiate the first contact and set a meeting with their mentees as soon as possible the first semester.
- During the first semester, mentors and mentees should try and meet at least twice, and address the following points informally:
- How are the courses taken by the mentees going?
- How are the classes taught by the mentee going? Any questions?
- How is the semester going in general?
- Are the mentees able to balance social, academic, and professional lives?
- Is there any additional help the department/ the mentor/ the DGS/the DBL may give in that regard?
- What are the mentees’ goals after the MA? How do they intend to achieve them?
- Do they have any concerns? Any suggestions?
Mentee's Responsibilities:
- When invited to do so by the DGS during Orientation Week, mentees should check the faculty profiles on the department website to select a potential mentor.
- Mentees should familiarize themselves with the MA program options and courses.
- After the first semester, mentees may initiate contact with their mentors whenever the need arises.
- Mentees should try and attend professional development workshops and departmental functions as suggested by the Head, the DGS, the DBL and/or their mentor.
Peer-to-Peer Graduate Mentoring ("Buddy System")
By the end of Orientation Week or shortly thereafter, the DGS will invite continuing (second-year) graduate students to serve as “buddies” to incoming students. Continuing students should initiate the first contact with their buddies as soon as possible during the first semester.
Suggested Reading: Laverick, DeAnna M. (June 2016). “Mentoring Graduate Students”. Mentoring Processes in Higher Education, p. 47-57.
UA Resources for Graduate Students:
For many of the campus-wide resources and events, check the UA Graduate and Professional Student Council, the Graduate Center, its Calendar and Videos.
- General Resources
- Professional Development
- Job Search and Preparation
- Writing and Publishing
- Research Resources
- Teaching Resources
- Mentoring
- Community Engagement
- Funding Sources and Preparation
The UA Dean of Students Office has several specialized cultural and resource centers on campus:
- African American Student Affairs
- Asian Pacific American Student Affairs
- Guerrero Student Center for Chicano and Hispanic Student Affairs
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) Affairs
- Native American Student Affairs
- Veteran's Education and Transition Services (VETS)
- Women's Resource Center
For a list of clubs and associations (such as Voilà Club francophone, Ciao Italian Club, the African Students’ Association, etc.), see ASUA.