Faculty Mentors & Graduate Mentees

Responsibilities and Expectations

  • Faculty mentors, DGS and DBL work in consultation to provide a working support system in order to guide students towards personal and academic success throughout and even after the completion of the Master's in French at the University of Arizona.
  • Mentors are available for general consultation and mentorship in addition to the administrative/academic advising that is done by the DGS.
  • The DGS remains responsible for the administration, which includes relevant advising, of the graduate program in the department. The DGS meets at least once a semester with each student (at least twice in their first semester).
  • Mentors are selected by the students themselves in consultation with the DGS (based on the students’ preferences, interests, and faculty availability).
  • During the first two weeks of the Fall semester, the DGS circulates a list of mentors/mentees/buddies to students and faculty for their approval.
  • Mentors / continuing students should make the initial contact with their mentees / buddies for the first meeting.


Mentor's Responsibilities:

  • Mentors should initiate the first contact and set a meeting with their mentees as soon as possible the first semester.
  • During the first semester, mentors and mentees should try and meet at least twice, and address the following points informally:
    • How are the courses taken by the mentees going?
    • How are the classes taught by the mentee going? Any questions?
    • How is the semester going in general?
    • Are the mentees able to balance social, academic, and professional lives?  
    • Is there any additional help the department/ the mentor/ the DGS/the DBL may give in that regard?
    • What are the mentees’ goals after the MA? How do they intend to achieve them? 
    • Do they have any concerns?  Any suggestions?  

Mentee's Responsibilities:

  • When invited to do so by the DGS during Orientation Week, mentees should check the faculty profiles on the department website to select a potential mentor.
  • Mentees should familiarize themselves with the MA program options and courses.
  • After the first semester, mentees may initiate contact with their mentors whenever the need arises.
  • Mentees should try and attend professional development workshops and departmental functions as suggested by the Head, the DGS, the DBL and/or their mentor.

Peer-to-Peer Graduate Mentoring ("Buddy System")

By the end of Orientation Week or shortly thereafter, the DGS will invite continuing (second-year) graduate students to serve as “buddies” to incoming students.   Continuing students should initiate the first contact with their buddies as soon as possible during the first semester.

Suggested Reading: Laverick, DeAnna M. (June 2016). “Mentoring Graduate Students”. Mentoring Processes in Higher Educationp. 47-57. 

UA Resources for Graduate Students: 

For many of the campus-wide resources and events, check the UA Graduate and Professional Student Council, the Graduate Center, its Calendar and Videos.

The UA Dean of Students Office has several specialized cultural and resource centers on campus:

For a list of clubs and associations (such as Voilà  Club francophoneCiao Italian Club, the African Students’ Association, etc.), see ASUA.